Well it has been a fun week to say the least. I finally found a job! Hooray. I am so happy with it as well. We enjoy so much having Carson come and play with us! He and Malorie have so much fun together! They get along so well. I was amazed with how well he did. They have already become best friends.
Carson is very fascinated with the baby. It is so cute. He is very gentle with her. (MAYBE this will teach Malorie not to sit on her baby sister. As this is her new thing if we ever take our eyes off her.) When I pick him up at the bus stop he says "hi Malorie" and she says "hi Carson" this goes on for about 5 minutes till we get home. It is so great to start up a routine again. At one point in the day now I have Lainie and Malorie down at the same time. Its great!! Lainie has been feeling soo much better! The doctor said she is sounding amazing. :) hooray. She is gaining weight like crazy. ( I'm only breastfeeding!) I love her so much and I'm so happy she is doing better.
We are doing good over here. Heading over to my aunts house this afternoon to get some pictures done with baby ducks. I think this will be the first actual year Malorie will know what these animals are. I anticipate full on excitement! I will post some pictures later. If you are interested in getting your pictures done with these cute furry things. Here is some more info. http:// www.jamieharper.typep ad.com
Hope everyone has a great week. I will most likely post again by Monday as we will have many new pictures to post. My aunt is getting married tomorrow. It will be a very exciting weekend.
So glad it has finally arrived!
So glad it has finally arrived!